
Can Humidifiers Help you Health-wise?


As most people already know, humidifiers are devices that increase the moisture in the air surrounding them. They’re used in dry regions to provide a more comfortable environment. And they’re also used to balance out the humidity levels through the changing seasons. That’s why they’re a mainstay of dry winter seasons in the Northern Hemisphere.

But what many people don’t realize is that keeping indoor humidity levels at the proper levels can improve their health. And it does so in a variety of ways that you might not expect. Here are five of the ways – surprising and otherwise – that humidifiers can improve your health.

They Prevent and Relieve Dry Skin

If you’ve ever heard of or suffered from the condition known as winter itch, then you know how uncomfortable it can be. But what you might not know is that winter itch is caused by theloss of moisture in the top layers of your skin.And the reason it happens in the winter is due primarily to the drier air that comes with the season.

But a humidifier can relieve winter itch by increasing the moisture level of the air in your home. Prolonged exposure to that moister air will improve the skin’s hydration and help reverse the effects of winter itch. It will make you feel more comfortable and give your skin a nice, healthy glow.

They Can Improve Sinus Problems

When your nasal passages get too dry, it doesn’t take long to develop uncomfortable sinus problems. That can make it difficult or even painful just to breathe. And if the situation doesn’t improve, the mucous in your nose and sinuses may not drain properly, creating persistent congestion.

A humidifier can improve yoursinus symptomsby increasing the moisture that reaches your nasal passages. That will help to relieve congestion and restore the proper flow of mucous in your sinuses. In that way, humidifiers offer relief from conditions like sinusitis and even prevent frequent nosebleeds, improving your overall health.

They Can Reduce the Spread of Germs

Although it’s not common knowledge, illnesses like the flu spread best in drier air. So using a humidifier can help to protect you from seasonal colds and illnesses by reducing their ability to infect you. This effect is far more pronounced than you may realize.

One study ofnebulized influenzafound that its infectivity rate was an astounding 70% to 77% in a room with humidity levels lower than 23%. But in rooms with a humidity level of 43% or higher, the infectivity rate dropped dramatically. The study found that it decreased to a manageable 14% to 22%. That alone provides a powerful endorsement of the health benefits of humidifiers.

They Can Reduce Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

As anyone that suffers from allergies and asthma can tell you, the discomfort they create is significant. And the humidity of the air we breathe plays a big role in how we experience allergies. But unlike some of the other health benefits of humidifiers, allergy and asthma sufferers have to be careful in how they use them to experience benefits.

This is because humidity levels that are too high or too low can cause problems for both of those conditions. High humidity levels provide the perfect environment for dust mites and mold, which trigger allergic responses in some people. But low humidity levels dry out other types of allergens and make them airborne. The key for allergy and asthma sufferers is to target a humidity level above 30% and below 50%, to improve their symptoms and eliminate common airborne allergens.

They Can Reduce Snoring and Improve Sleep Quality

Geeting the right amount of quality sleep is essential to good health. Without it, our bodies can’t regenerate, and our immune systems may be less efficient at fighting off illness. But sleeping in a room with the proper humidity level can alleviate some of the things that prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

A humidifier can help to keep your airways moist and can reduce snoring related to constricted airways. That will help prevent sleep disruption and improve oxygen intake throughout the night. And for patients suffering from sleep apnea, humidifiers may help as well. A Swedish study found that patients that used humidifiers were more likely tostick with their sleep apnea treatments, which increased their odds of finding relief.

Of course, too much humidity can disrupt sleep patterns by interfering with the body’s temperature regulation. Research by NASA indicates that the proper humidity level to support good sleep is between 50% and 60%. So once again, using a humidifier in the right way is essential to unlocking its health benefits regarding sleep.

The Bottom Line

你可以看到有不少以健康ts associated with the use of humidifiers. And depending on the environment you live in, they may increase your overall health and your quality of life significantly. So it’s always a good idea to check your home’s humidity levels if you’re suffering from any of the health conditions mentioned above. If they’re too low, a humidifier will certainly improve your situation.

And even if you have no outward symptoms, maintaining the proper humidity level in your home will improve your comfort and prevent you from catching airborne illnesses. If nothing else, that makes them an excellent addition to your arsenal during cold and flu season. So the bottom line on the health benefits of humidifiers is quite clear. They can improve your health in multiple ways, and are a simple way to maintain a more healthy environment in your home. With so much to gain, why not give one a try?

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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1 year ago

Thanks for providing such useful information. I also think that humidifiers are a good thing to buy. After buying one, I noticed that my sleep quality improved, and my skin became more hydrated. But, having a humidifier is not enough to be healthy and good-looking. You have to support your body and immune system from the inside, and quality supplements will help. I don’t take a lot of them, but I always order supplements and skincare products fromcoral.cluband can say that the items there are some of the best I’ve ever tried.