
What Are IVF Complications for Mothers and Babies?


IVF (in vitro fertilization) is one of the assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that can help with the difficulty of conceiving naturally. During IVF, the egg is fertilized with sperm in a laboratory.
According to research, thousands of healthy babies are born annually through IVF. However, one of the concerns and challenges for infertile couples is the occurrence of genetic disorders and complications that may occur in the embryo after IVF. In addition, using ovulation stimulation drugs or medicines to prepare the uterus for embryo transfer may cause certain side effects in mothers.
Although all treatment methods carry complications and risks, the probability of long-term side effects after IVF is low. On the other hand, possible IVF complications can be treated or prevented in most cases. Read this article to learn more about IVF risks and complications.

What Are IVF Complications for Mothers?

There are some IVF complications that may affect mothers. These are as follows:

IVF Egg Retrieval Complications

体外受精的鸡蛋检索阶段执行的ering a special needle into the vagina. This stage may cause complications such as pelvic pain, infection, fever above 38 degrees Celsius, blood in urine, and severe vaginal bleeding. In rare cases, an egg retrieval procedure may damage the bladder, blood vessels, or intestines depending on the doctor’s skill and the equipment of the fertility center.

Side Effects of Fertility Drugs

DuringIVF treatment, doctors often prescribe fertility drugs. Side effects of these drugs may include mood changes, hot flashes, difficulty breathing, mild abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, breast tenderness, headache, slight bloating, and constipation.

IVF Embryo Transfer Complications

The embryo transfer stage may cause complications such as blood spotting and mild cramps. In rare cases, there is a possibility of infection that can be treated by antibiotics.

Being at Risk of OHSS in IVF Patients

According toHabib Ebrahimion Raadina Health, “OHSS sometimes occurs in women who take or inject hormonal medications such as HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). These ovulation stimulation medications may increase ovarian activity and cause the ovaries to swell and become painful”.

Other symptoms of OHSS include difficulty breathing, fainting, nausea, vomiting, low urine output, and sudden (within three to five days) weight gain.

Ectopic Pregnancy

According to sources, about 5% of women who undergo IVF treatment experience anectopic pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg (embryo) implants outside the uterus (such as the fallopian tubes) and continues to grow there. But, as the fertilized egg is not able to survive outside the uterus, the process of ectopic pregnancy fails to proceed and there is no possibility to preserve the embryo and continue the pregnancy.

Vaginal Discharge

Patients may experience clear or bloody vaginal discharge after embryo transfer. In this case, they should inform their doctor.

Ovarian Cancer

According to the research, the risk of getting ovarian cancer after IVF is not far from expected. Ovulation stimulation drugs can in fact increase the risk of developing some types of tumors in the ovary.

An egg sometimes tears the ovary wall in order to leave the ovary. In such situations, the body starts to repair the damage. Therefore, increased use of ovulation stimulation drugs increases ovarian damage. The more the body tries to repair the damage, the more likely it is to make a mistake that causes mutation.

This cell mutation and the growth of many abnormal-shaped cells can result in ovarian cancer. However, the extent of IVF’s impact on ovarian cancer is still debatable and requires more research.

Breast Cancer and Uterine Cancer

Use of medicines or hormone therapy for gender selection with IVF causes many hormones to enter the body. This will increase the chance of breast cancer and uterine cancer in mothers.

Complications of Gender Selection with IVF

在试管婴儿性别选择,specialist separates embryos with X or Y chromosomes and transfers the embryos of the selected sex to the mother’s uterus. This process requires drugs to stimulate ovulation that may cause side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in mothers. Gender selection with IVF is done under anesthesia which may also lead to some complications. Furthermore, extracting an embryo cell to determine its gender not only may lead to a failure in pregnancy but also is a great threat to the embryo’s health.

Psychological Distress and Infertility Treatment

IVF is an expensive procedure with the possibility of failure. Therefore, most couples endure a lot of psychological stress from the starting point to the end. The best solution to deal with this complication is to have emotional support from family and close friends.

IVF Failure

The failure of IVF is one of the concerns of parents who have chosen this method of infertility treatment. Those with problems with pregnancy should pay attention to the fact that no method of treating infertility is associated with 100% success; therefore, IVF may also fail for several reasons. It is better for the patient to be closely monitored by the doctor during the infertility treatment and do periodic checkups, and share with the doctor the symptoms you experience during this period.

What Are IVF Complications in Embryos?

IVF may sometimes cause complications for the embryos, some of which are as follows:

Risk of Miscarriage After IVF

The cause of abortion in IVF is not very clear. However, according to research, the abortion rate in IVF pregnancies is not much different from the abortion rate in natural pregnancies. The maternal age is in fact the primary risk factor. Women over 35 have a higher risk of miscarriage than younger women. The use of frozen embryos can also increase the chance of miscarriage.

Risk of Twins and Multiples in IVF

Due to the implantation of more than one embryo in the uterus, IVF has a higher rate of multiple pregnancies compared to normal pregnancy. This complication increases the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight.

Increased Risk of Birth Defects with IVF

没有理论关于欺诈的风险增加genital birth defects in IVF. However, it should be noted that regardless of the type of infertility treatment method, maternal aging is the main cause of birth defects.

Down Syndrome and IVF

There is no report on an increased risk of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome due to the use of IVF technique. On the other hand, infertile couples can use the PGD method during their IVF process to ensure that the embryo does not have any genetic disorders like Down syndrome.

The PGD method, also known as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, is a reproductive technology used with IVF. Using PGD technique during the IVF process helps to select healthy embryos and prevents the transfer of defective genes to the baby by testing the embryos created with IVF

The Bottom Line

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a low-risk and safe fertility treatment method. Couples also use it without fertility problems with aims such as gender selection. However, IVF, like any other treatment, can be associated with various complications, risks, and side effects.

There is a possibility of IVF complications in both mothers and embryos. However, choosing thebest country for IVFwith equipped fertility clinics, choosing a professional medical team, e.g., experienced and skilled doctors, can minimize the risk of IVF complications. Also, home care before and after pregnancy will greatly help reduce the risks and complications of IVF.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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27 days ago

This is a comprehensive and informative article on IVF complications for both mothers and babies. It is crucial for couples considering IVF to be aware of these potential risks and side effects.
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