
7 Fun Hobbies You Can Do As A Family


Are you looking for a way to spend more time with your family? Perhaps your kids are growing up, and starting to spend more time with their friends. Whatever the reason, a great way to get the family together is by having a shared interest. Finding a hobby that the whole family can enjoy gives you a reason to spend time together, something to talk about during dinner, and something you can bond over. So, if you’re looking for a way to spend more time as a family, try out one of these 7 hobbies.

Hiking and Camping

Hiking and camping are great ways to get away from modern life and spend some time outdoors. All over the country, there are greathiking路径探索,和露营场地,you can spend a few nights. You can learn how to read trail markers, spot different kinds of trees, make food over a fire, or identify different birds. Your kids will have fun doing something different, and be getting exercise at the same time, making both of these great hobbies to do as a family.


Photography is a great hobby,无论是自己还是与家人,nd all you need is some beginner equipment. If you have the money, get each member of your family their own basic starter camera, or you can purchase one that you all share. Then you can either scour online resources, pick up some books, or take a local class on how to get the most out of your camera. You can then explore new places around you, and bring your camera along to take pictures, helping each other out and comparing pictures when you’re done.

Learn to Paint

Similar to photography, learning to paint can be a great family hobby. Group painting classes are quite common no matter where you live, allowing you and your family to spend the afternoon or evening out making some art. Once you get the hang of it, you can purchase your own supplies for the family, and make your own creations. After completing your paintings, you can hang them up around the home and showcase everyone’s work.

Take Up a Musical Instrument

Continuing with the arts theme, why not have your family learn musical instruments? You could either all learn the same one, helping each other along the way to get better, or learn different instruments and then jam out together. There are plenty of ways to learn music through online resources, or you could find a teacher in your area to provide lessons. Who knows, maybe you all become good enough to start a band and tour the country.

Model Trains

If your family likes to collect things, consider model trains as a hobby. Model trains not only look great, but they are fun to watch go around the track. As you build up your collection you’ll be able to build more intricate lifelike tracks, giving you something to show off when you have guests come over. Your kids will love helping you to find new trains, and may even start saving up to buy their own. If you’re interested, find ahobby train storeto get started.

Remote Airplanes and Drones

If you think your family would rather do something in the air rather than on the tracks, model airplanes have been around for a long while, anddrones have become increasingly popular. By purchasing a remote-controlled airplane or drone, you and your family can go to a nearby field and take turns flying it around the sky. You can eventually each get your own, learn to do tricks, film the surrounding area, or even race them.Check out this guideif you want to get started with flying drones.


Finally, if your family likes to make things with their hands, consider woodworking. Together you can put together fun projects, with each family member being responsible for different parts. For instance, if you wanted to build a bookshelf, one person could cut the wood, another could help assemble it, another could paint it, and finally, someone else could put a finish on it. The final product is something you can all be proud of, and display around your home knowing you all had a hand in it.

Pick Something Everyone Will Enjoy

When considering whichfar east hobbyto try, find something everyone will like, rather than just yourself. While it’s good to share your interests with your kids, if you want it to stick, you should find something

that they already have a passion for. There is likely something you all would enjoy doing, you just have to try new things and find out what it is.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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