
12 Tips for Boosting Your Child’s Self-Confidence


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As parents, we all want our children to grow up confidently so they can pursue their dreams and gracefully overcome any obstacles they encounter. Since confidence is a learned skill and not a natural trait, we must exert effort to boost our child’s confidence as early as their formative years. Here are 12 tips to help you boost your little one’s self-confidence and make them better equipped in life.

Set goals with your child

Establishing goals can help empower your child, thereby boosting their confidence. Help your little one set feasible and measurable goals that suit their abilities. Discuss with your child their dreams and aspirations, and let them list what they would like to attain.

Your child’s goals must be realistic, as aiming too high might leave them disheartened if things don’t go their way. On the contrary, if their goals are too modest, they might not have the drive to pursue them.

Teach them to embrace their mistakes

Some children are afraid to try new things forfear of failing. You must teach your child that mistakes and failures are inevitable, and they must embrace and learn from them and then move on. Help your child understand that confident people are not afraid of committing mistakes as they see these pitfalls as growth opportunities that can direct them to the right path.

Redirect your child

Whenever your little one commits a mistake, help them focus on what they could do in the future to prevent this situation instead of dwelling on the mistake itself. Instilling this practice in your child can help them become more confident to brave the unknown and boost their problem-solving skills.

Motivate your child to step outside their comfort zones

Children with low self-confidence often hesitate to try new things. To help boost their confidence, encourage your child to go out of their comfort zones and pursue new activities. If they’re shy or prefer to be alone most of the time, motivate them to engage in activities that require teamwork.

Or, if they’re musically inclined but hesitant to play an instrument, sign them up for piano lessons.

Find a trusted music school, such asSouth Shore Piano School, as they offer engaging and fun piano classes to students of all ages.

Encourage them to be more independent

When children are given important tasks, they will feel that their contribution matters, making them more confident in their abilities. Whether it’s walking the dog, cleaning the dishes, or tidying up their toys, make sure to give your little one age-appropriate duties around the house. After assigning them tasks, refrain from offering help and let them figure out what to do by themselves.

Allow your child to make age-appropriate decisions

Aside from giving them relevant chores, let your child make their own decisions. Doing so can help your little one feel more powerful and respected. For instance, when going out, allow them to choose their clothes, hairstyle, or accessories.

You can also ask them what they want to eat or do, especially when traveling to new places. Letting them choose helps build their confidence and teaches them that their choices have corresponding consequences for which they must take responsibility.

Engage in positive self-talk

Our words hold power over us, so teaching your child to engage in positive self-talk is vital. Use constructive yet uplifting words when providing them feedback and give them positive affirmations. Help your child understand that their narrative of themselves will ultimately become their reality, so they should always be mindful of their words. Ensure that the individuals your child interacts with are confident and positive and that their environment is engaging and not toxic.

Lead by example

Most children look up to their parents, so it is essential you model confidence to your kids. If you’re struggling with your own confidence, take the necessary steps to repair it. You don’t need to be confident all the time or pretend to be, but you have to demonstrate to your child that you’re working on yourself the best way that you can.

Praise them properly

Constantly showering your child with praise can do more damage than good in the long run. Avoid praising or rewarding your kid every time they excel, as they may associate accomplishments with monetary or physical compensation.

Be specific when praising them, and concentrate on celebrating the effort, not the results. Praising their perseverance will teach them the value of patience and hard work, and that success isn’t attained overnight.

Avoid comparing

Comparison, even with the right intentions, is inefficient and unproductive. Comparing them with other kids can make them insecure about their abilities, causing them to doubt themselves constantly, ultimately damaging their confidence.

Refrain from comparing your child to anyone, even their siblings, and focus on helping them create a positive self-image. Teach them to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their shortcomings. When your child can see beyond their perceived flaws and have a healthy self-concept, they’ll become more confident and accepting of others.

Encourage your child to be more vocal

另一种方式来构建你的小的信心is by allowing them to be more vocal about their thoughts and feelings. Let your child express their feelings without criticizing or belittling them. Disregarding their opinions and emotions will make them feel insecure and unworthy of attention.

It can also push them to bottle up their feelings and release them in destructive ways. Provide your child a safe space to let out their negative and positive emotions and make them feel they matter.

Teach your child to be assertive the right way

Since you can’t always be with your child, you must teach them how tohandle bulliesand hostile situations. Educate them on why it is better to be assertive than passive-aggressive and how to gracefully stand up for themselves. You can do this through role-playing or by enrolling them inself-defense classes.


Boosting your child’s self-confidence requires dedication, patience, hard work, and understanding. Take note of these tips, and remember to love your child unconditionally.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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